Lets talk Period Underwear

Hello all, 

I am going to be talking periods and period underwear.

Back in August I bought myself some period underwear from Modibodi. I had not tried them before and was looking for a more sustainable and comfortable option for my periods. If you would like to read the previous blog, it is here.

A friend suggested period underwear had worked for her and I thought I would give it a go. I was a bit apprehensive at first so I wore them on an evening and for sleeping in as I presumed they would be comfortable. I was not disappointed. 

Three packets of period underwear, they are in cardboard packaging.

When you first get a pair Modibodi suggests you run them under a cold tap and leave them to dry. After doing this and then wearing them for the first time I found them very comfortable. I purchased the boy shorts for a heavy flow. After wearing them for one evening I was pleasantly happy. 

They were comfortable.

There were no leaks. 

No bunching so sleeping was far better. 

They are very warm. This can be a negative in summer, but they are still better than pads as I felt more comfortable. 

After a few tries I decided I felt confident enough to wear them out an about. I wore them for the day and found the same applied as when I was wearing them for sleeping. 

No leaks. 

I did not have to stress about changing my pad during the day. 

They were just comfortable. 

It is also nice not having to change your sanitary product in a toilet where a sanitary bin might be overflowing. Yes, I am sure anyone who has had to use one has felt disgust at having to do this. 

I would absolutely recommend switching to period underwear. I have not stopped buying pads yet because I still need to figure out how many pairs I need for a full month. 

What about cleaning them though? 

Well, it is your own blood so it is not as ‘eeewww’ as what you might think. I mean really its not as ‘ewww’ as what I thought it would be. After wearing them I just have to rinse them under a cold tap, do not soak them. Then I put them to wash. The care instructions are here at the bottom of the page so you can see how easy it can be to use. 

If you want o try them I would recommend them. But ultimately it is about what makes you feel happiest on your period. I think it is just nice to now what options are available out there. 

Have a great day and let me know what you think.  

Also, I am not endorsing these in anyway. I just happen to own this particular brand.

Disability History Month

Lets talk irony.

Hello all,

16th November marked the start of Disability History Month. Something which you may not know about. Well, now you do.

Disabled people have often been shoved to one side and ignored by society as we are not always deemed worthy. It was only in the 1990’s that Disabled People in the UK had their rights protected in law. Then in 2010 we had the Equality Act of 2010.

Ensuring Disabled people have the rights they need to be able to live their lives as fully and as freely as non Disabled People.

Lets look at what happened in the news lately, the Government wants to ensure all those who are on benefits work for their benefits. Correct me if I am wrong, but if a Disabled person is claiming out of work benefits, it is because they can not work.

I am a Disabled person who receives benefits, but I am in work. Those of us in our community who cannot work deserve a quality of life. Just because they cannot work does not mean they should be punished.

I acknowledge that befit fraud is a thing and I know that because of this small amount of people committing benefit fraud, leads to a generalisation of those who are claiming benefits.

However I am writing to defend the voices of those who are genuine and who will suffer as a direct response to these new laws.

But people can work from home now some of you may say. Yes that is an option. However, what if the employer turned around 6 months into the job and changes the terms of your contract? Saying you have to be in the office x amount of days a week. You can not make it into the office. You lose your job.

What about the lack of inclusion within society as a whole that means Disabled people are often left out? For example lack of accessible transport to get to work. Disabled people may not be able to be in work due to a variety of factors. Why is it down to the government to police a Disabled persons life?

Essentially the point of my post is that Disabled people on benefits may not all be out of work. They maybe using those benefits to work. They might not be able to work a full time job. This could be due to physical pain or mental health issues. But they are working.

What about Disabled people who do not have jobs? Well, guess what? Their health is none of your concern. If they cannot work it is between them and their Doctor. They do not have to explain themselves to you and that is OK.

Stop blaming Disabled people. Disabled people have a right to life, something which we have fought long and hard for and we are protected by the Equality Act.

Oh yes, I mentioned Irony… There was lovely post yesterday from UK Parliament celebrating Disability History Month. It is too funny, you can’t make it up.

Lets celebrate Disabled People’s history….and push these laws through from the current Government who are actively trying to kill Disabled people.

Anyway, stand up for Disabled People, we deserve a right to life.

Thank you for reading,
